high performance lifestyle
create a lifestyle that optimally supports you physically and mentally
We all want to be able to perform at our best, but unconsciously we often do so in an unsustainable way. As a result, we experience constant stress that fuels bad habits, negatively affects our cognitive ability, and suffers physical and mental health. This then affects both our business and our private lives. Can it be otherwise?
Yes and it has to change because this way of working and living is not sustainable, has a negative effect on your quality of life and productivity and can eventually even lead to burnout. Fortunately, there is an alternative. A High Performance Lifestyle
"A High Performance Lifestyle helps you get the best out of yourself in a sustainable way.
With a High Performance Lifestyle you assume that life is an integral and cohesive whole and that all components influence your performance as an employee, but especially as a person. The approach is therefore to create a lifestyle that optimally supports you mentally, emotionally and physically so that you can get the best out of yourself, without getting burned out .
a 360 view on lifestyle and productivity
In a High Performance Lifestyle, we look at obvious things such as sleep, exercise and nutrition, but we also include time management, productivity, self-development, relationships. All these elements have an influence on your mental, physical and emotional health and therefore on your functioning.
This view of lifestyle is very popular among top entrepreneurs in the United States because they recognize that a good lifestyle helps them perform at their best. They want maximum success, but also to be able to enjoy it to the fullest. Not OR OR but AND AND.

what is the aim of this workshop
The aim of this workshop is to enable the participant to:
Get acquainted with the concept High Performance Lifestyle
Motivate him or her intrinsically for a healthy lifestyle
To help formulate a concrete action plan so that it will actually implement this.
The ultimate goal is that every employee leaves the workshop with a concrete plan of action and can immediately implement it the next day. This link between knowledge and implementation is what makes this workshop so effective. In addition, I pay a lot of attention to cultivating intrinsic motivation which is crucial for any lifestyle change.
structure of the workshop
create support
The success of every coaching program, lifestyle plan and workshop starts with creating support. The first part of the lecture focuses on intrinsically motivating the participant. This increases the effectiveness of the further program.
learn what a hpl is
During the second part, I will introduce the participants to two fundamental elements for creating a sustainable lifestyle:
The right mindset
1) I will help them put their lifestyle in a different perspective which will motivate them further.
2) Then I will discuss what a High Performance Lifestyle is, what it consists of and what it can bring them. This is also the start of the interactive part.
implement what you have learned
Knowledge without implementation is worthless so the workshop is structured in such a way that the participant is constantly stimulated to think about what she is learning and what this means in the context of his or her life. I do this by using both individual and group assignments. By using group assignments, this gets even more depth and also contributes to a community feeling.
turn it into an action plan
The aim of the workshop is to help the participant put the knowledge she has gained into action. During the workshop I guided them step by step. Ultimately, at the end of the workshop, we will summarize this in a concrete action plan which the participant can immediately implement.
(optional) follow up
Knowing that a follow-up session will take place is a powerful tool to help the participant implement his or her action plan. In addition, the participant can ask additional questions about things they encounter during the follow-up session. Naturally, the entire group benefits from this.
they preceded you

the benefits at a glance
who is this interesting for?
This is especially interesting for organizations that have a performance-oriented culture and employ ambitious high performers. Professional groups with a high workload such as the legal profession, consultancy, recruitment and sales organizations will certainly benefit from this, but start-up or scale-up corporate cultures can also benefit enormously from this.
what can jet get you?
The real strength lies in the fact that the participant is intrinsically motivated to take good care of themselves and is given the tools to do this. As a result, people will be more inclined to make use of possible vitality programs that you offer. Ultimately, this can lead to lower failure rates, higher employee satisfaction and productivity.
about me
Until 2011 I worked in financial services. I was not happy, had a destructive lifestyle, experienced a lot of stress and little satisfaction and weighed almost a hundred kilos. Until I got burned out.
With the help of personal development and lifestyle I recovered in a record time of 3 months and underwent a complete transformation.
My personal experience with the themes I teach means that I do my work with conviction and energy. As a former personal trainer and lifestyle coach, I have studied all aspects of lifestyle such as sleep, stress, nutrition and exercise. As a life coach I can put this in a different context and help people develop the mindset and behavior that helps them make sustainable change. My comprehensive approach and view is also known as High Performance Lifestyle Coaching.
As a coach, trainer and online course creator I am committed in every possible way to help people get the most out of their lives in a sustainable way. My teaching style is pragmatic and interactive with an emphasis on results. Expect an energetic, stimulating workshop in which you are taken step by step in making a blueprint and an action plan for your High Performance Lifestyle.
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